What is “Approval Document”?

An Approval Document is a document used within an organization to make decisions. When issues exceed one’s authority and require approval or decisions from supervisors or relevant parties, an Approval Document is created. Once approved, the measures detailed in the Approval Document can be implemented.

Purpose of the Approval Document

・Enhancing Decision-Making

Transparency and Accountability Creating an Approval Document clarifies the decision-making process and allows it to be shared among stakeholders. Additionally, by recording who approved or denied and for what reasons, accountability is achieved.

・Information Sharing and Opinion Consolidation

Circulating an Approval Document allows stakeholders to share information and express their opinions, leading to better decision-making.

・Pre-assessment of Risks

Creating an Approval Document enables the pre-assessment of potential risks before implementing measures.

How to Write an Approval Document

An Approval Document must include the following:

  1. Title: Such as “Approval Document,” to clearly identify the type of document.
  2. Submission Date and Document Number: For easy management of the document.
  3. Proposer and Department Name: To clearly identify who is making the proposal.
  4. Subject: Concisely describe the purpose of the proposal.
  5. Background and Objective: The context and goals of the proposal.
  6. Specific Content: Detailed plan of action and resources needed.
  7. Expected Effects: The benefits or improvements anticipated from implementing the proposal.
  8. Related Data and Documents: Data and documents referenced as supporting material for the proposal.
  9. Approval Section: Space for signatures or stamps for final approval.

Specific Examples

  1. Technology Implementation
    • Subject: Approval for the Introduction of a Cloud-Based Attendance Management System
    • Purpose: To improve labor management efficiency and reduce costs
    • Vendor: Company C
    • Amount: ¥2 million
    • Planned Implementation Date: January 5, 2024
    • Content: Manage employee attendance data in real-time with a new cloud system, reducing the workload of the HR department
    • Reason: Current system delays data processing; new system implementation will improve processing speed by 50% and reduce annual labor costs by 10%
  2. Facility Improvement
    • Subject: Approval for the Energy Efficiency Improvement Project of the Head Office Building
    • Purpose: To reduce energy costs and environmental impact
    • Vendor: D Energy Solutions Co.
    • Amount: ¥15 million
    • Improvement Date: April 1, 2024
    • Content: Update the lighting and air conditioning systems to the latest high-efficiency systems
    • Reason: The current system is outdated; updating it is expected to reduce annual energy consumption by 20%, thus reducing long-term costs

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投稿者 rika


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