Which one are you interested in?

  • Interpreter : A specialist who is active on the international stage and instantly translates spoken words into another language.
  • Translator : A bridge that carefully translates written texts and conveys culture and knowledge.

Job content and required skills for each job

What is an interpreter ?

  • Job Description : Perform oral interpretation in various situations such as meetings, lectures, interviews, etc.
  • Skills required :
    • Instant power and concentration: Translating while speaking requires high concentration and quick processing ability.
    • Listening comprehension and speaking ability: The ability to accurately understand the other person’s words and convey them using natural expressions.
    • Communication skills: Understand the atmosphere and context of the place and promote smooth communication
    • Expertise: Expertise in your field allows for deeper understanding and more accurate interpretation.

What is a translator ?

  • Job Description : Translate various documents such as books, papers, websites, etc.
  • Skills required :
    • Reading comprehension and grammar: the ability to accurately understand the original text and translate it using appropriate expressions
    • Writing skills: Ability to write legible and natural sentences in the target language.
    • Research skills: Ability to research unknown technical terms and cultural backgrounds and accurately translate them.
    • Expertise: Having specialized knowledge in your field allows for higher quality translations.

Which one would you choose?

Which one you choose depends on your interests, skills, and career plans .

  • I like talking to people and want to be active on the international stage : Interpreter
  • I like writing and want to use my specialized knowledge : Translator

It is also possible to utilize both skills.

Interpretation and translation skills have many things in common, and by learning both, you can expand your range of work.

to choose the path that is best for you

  • Analyze your interests and skills
  • Find out more about each job
  • Participate in seminars and training for interpreters and translators
  • Interview with people who actually work as interpreters/translators

Concrete steps to become an interpreter and translator

improve language skills

High language proficiency is essential for interpreters and translators.

  • Use both languages ​​on a daily basis : watching movies, dramas, news, etc., interacting with foreigners on social media, etc.
  • Take a language test : Pass the test at your target level, such as TOEIC, TOEFL, Eiken, JLPT, etc.
  • Learn specialized vocabulary : Learn specialized terminology in your field so you can understand it accurately
  • Translation/interpretation practice : Improve your skills by translating/interpreting scripts, news articles, etc.

acquire specialized knowledge

By specializing in a particular field, we can provide higher quality services.

  • Study a specialty at university : major in a field that interests you, such as law, economics, medicine, or science.
  • Get a certification : Get a certification that proves your expertise in a specific field.
  • Participate in an internship : Gain real-world experience and deepen your expertise

gain practical experience

Take advantage of various opportunities to hone your skills and gain achievements.

  • Volunteer activities : Volunteer interpreting and translation at international conferences and events
  • Internship : Gain practical experience at a translation or interpretation company
  • Freelance : Accept translation/interpretation work on crowdsourcing sites etc.
  • Contest : Challenge yourself to the translation/interpretation contest and show off your skills

Aim to obtain qualifications

Prove your skills as an interpreter/translator and help advance your career.

  • Interpreter guide exam : National qualification required for interpreting work such as international conferences and tourist information
  • Translation and Interpretation Proficiency Test : A private qualification that certifies the skill level of translation and interpretation.
  • Specialized certification in a specific field : Proving expertise in a specific field, such as medical interpretation or legal translation

Expand your network

By interacting with people in the industry, you can get job information and opportunities to improve your skills.

  • Participate in events for interpreters and translators : interact with industry professionals and gather information
  • Connect with interpreters and translators on SNS : Opportunities to exchange information and request work
  • Register with a translation or interpretation agency : Receive a job request

Always check the latest information

Languages ​​and technology are constantly evolving, so stay up-to-date with the latest information and update your skills.

  • Read trade magazines and news : Stay up to date with the latest trends
  • Participate in translation/interpretation-related seminars and training : Improve your skills
  • Join the online community : interact and exchange information with other interpreters/translators

Efficient and accurate real-time translator tools to improve your work —  Felo Translator

What is Felo Translator ?

Felo Translator is an AI simultaneous interpretation app equipped with GPT-4 engine and RRT technology. Quickly and accurately translate audio from over 15 foreign languages ​​including English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, and Japanese. Supports downloading of original and translated texts to help you learn accurate expressions and pronunciation. As a large-scale language model, ChatGPT accurately conveys the passion, expression, and dramatic effect of the stage, allowing audiences to fully understand and enjoy the excitement brought by different linguistic cultures.

How can Felo Translator assist simultaneous interpreters?

Felo Translator supports beginners in simultaneous interpretation and solves problems by leaving no notes behind and more accurately translating technical terms.

Simultaneous interpretation is a complex and highly technical task, requiring interpreters to have solid language skills, a wealth of specialized knowledge, and a good sense of teamwork. Only continuous learning and improvement of one’s translation skills can make one qualified for this important translation task and contribute to the smooth progress of international communication.

iOS Download  |  Android Download

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投稿者 Charels shiro